Well, let's get right to it and crack open Conference shall we?! Yeah, baby! This weekend was totally Celestial! I WANT TO HEAR YOUR TAKE-AWAYS!!! So yeah, I always love all the messages of course, but I'll list a couple of my starred talks and maybe a brief why:
Donald L. Hallstrom -
Ummm...still soaking that one in, "It is possible to be active in the church and less active in the gospel." Dang! This is what we exhaust in the WKM...internalizing the Doctrine of Christ (2 Nephi 31) and then living it! Ooo yeah, how many times was the Gospel/Doctrine of Christ brought up?! Too many to count!
Paul E. Koelliker -
This was like feeding candy to a missionary..."Love is like a gravitational pull toward heaven." mmhmmm....I would agree with that. :)
Quentin L. Cook -
The "Music of Faith" quote was crazy good, right?! Then I loved how he talked about matters of faith being building testimonies not obsessing over the possibility of a virgin birth or the Christ's Resurrection...If you have faith, you feel the truth. "Stay intune to the music of faith!" (I bet you likey this talk too mom.:)
Elder Richard G. Scott - Barely have words...I mailed you a card about
this one today.
President Thomas S. Monson -
Everywhere people are in a hurry...What is really important and what is truly trivial? Every tiny thing he mentioned pierced my soul...every teeny tiny thing. Yeah, I sustain the Prophet. :)
Ok, now I want to hear from YOU! Doesn't need to be big...just wanna hear whatever you can give me. :)
Grandma, I got your letter in plenty of time and LOVED the articles you sent...but maybe your letter just a bit more. Every time you write me it renews my faith, hope and charity. You are an energizer; you are a phenomenon. Thank you, thank you for taking the time to write me and share your thoughts and feelings...I could hear conference speaking to you...I know that the Lord loves you and that you love Him. :)
What the random with those guys, but it was opportune and it does save on shipping! I know you are so, so, so busy....so seriously...thanks...that sounds so lame, but it's all I've got. You two are like my iron rod...I'd be lost without you out here. I pray for your success daily in all that you're involved with...rest assured that me and the Lord have got your backs. ;)
Eden....so....grandma told me that you were on your way to competition....don't leave me hanging! :)
My time with Hermana Grass has come to an end...this Wednesday is transfers and she is off to Kennewick to serve in a tri-panionship with Hermanas Hutchinson and Foreman and then I am getting hertrainer/my "grandma" Hermana Watson! What an unexpected and awesome surprise! She is a fiery, funny red-head who is full of light and love...I don't know why I have been so spoiled...Hermana Grass thinks it's because the work is harder out here than the other areas,so it makes sense to have missionaries who can face it with faith and not let disappointment turn into discouragement. That is not to say that other missionaries don't have faith...I have to renew mine daily. Anyway, running out of time...but yup, I'll still be livin' the life in the 'Couve! Oh, and Elder Fenn got called to be the new Assistant to the President! SO COOL! :)
Love you all, Happiest of Easters!!! ...Even if it is without me. ;)